302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

FASA Assistance Offered

SENIORS! Chances are great that you qualify for money for college that you do not have to pay back! But first, you haf-ta FAFSA! The FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and 9 out of 10 students who complete it go to college.

Don’t worry about filling out a complicated form – you can get FREE assistance with your FAFSA on Thursday, November 2nd here at school. But you must sign up for an appointment with Ms. Tammy Ladner in the Career and Resource Center.

Every year, students leave $3 Billion in money for college unclaimed simply because they do not file the FAFSA. Get your share by signing up for an appointment to submit your FAFSA.

Remember, the FAFSA does not obligate you to accept any financial aid for college that you do not want such as student loans.

Even better, the FAFSA also helps determine your eligibility for money from the State of Mississippi, some colleges and universities, and even some private scholarship funds.
Get your appointment today!

Ask for Mrs. Tammy Ladner when you call PHS at 601-795-8424.

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The Poplarville School District offers educational/vocational opportunities on a nondiscriminatory basis in compliance with the requirements of the following federal civil rights legislation: Title VI, Title IX, the Vocational Amendments of 1976 and 1979, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act. Further, the Poplarville School District offers equal educational and employment opportunities to all persons without regard to sex, race, religion, color, national origin, age, or disability. The district’s contact coordinator for compliance with these requirements is Stachia Peterson, Title IX Coordinator and 504 Coordinator 302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, Mississippi 39470, Phone (601) 795-6153.

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