Students at PLE recently participated in the annual reading fair. The reading fair is sponsored by the Mississippi Department of Education and provides students the opportunity to share their favorite book through a storyboard display. Fifty (50) students submitted boards for the competition. All first place winners will advance to the Regional Reading Fair that will be held in Hattiesburg on March 5th. The winners for each division are:
Division B – 1st Grade: Magnolia R, 1st place; Dane B., 2nd place; Kyleigh C., 3rd place
Division C – 2nd Grade: Ben F., 1st place; Emma B., 2nd place; Sam W. 3rd place
Division K – Family/Group project: Jackson M., 1st place; Matthew M., 2nd place; Brayden K., 3rd place; Isabella L., 4th place; Presleigh M., 5th place