302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

Blaise Breerwood signs to Nicholls State University

Batter UP!

Blaise Breerwood signed to Nicholls State University on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2019. Blaise plays baseball and football for PHS. Due to his hard work, he will be attending Nicholls State University on a baseball scholarship. He will be playing under the guidance of Seth Tibitode. Not only is Blaise excited to be playing for this school, but his coaches are thrilled as well. In fact Coach Slade Jones said, “The summer of 2018 Blaise turned a corner in his development as a player. Nicholls noticed Blaise is a great pickup for Nicholls.” Baseball has made an impact on Blaise, and he is going to make an impact with his own baseball career. 

Blaise Breerwood pictured with PHS baseball coach Slade Jonnes, Nicholls baseball coach Seth Tibitode, mother Shana Breerwood, sister Lexi Breerwood, and loving grandparents.

Editor: Blaire Alexander

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