302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

Anti-Bullying Presentation

BullyStephanie Bounds, PMHNP-BC and other staff from Pearl River Family Clinic, as well as Jansen Owen – Representative of House District 106, visited the Middle School on October 24th, 2019 to initiate an “Anti-Bullying Campaign”.   Videos and information related to bullying was presented to grades 6-8 and students were encouraged to sign an “Anti-Bullying Pledge”. Jansen Owen shared his personal story of being bullied and allowed students to participate in the anti-bullying discussion. Students who were nominated by their teachers for being kind to fellow students had their names and kind deeds read aloud then placed into a drawing for the “Caught Being Kind” award.  One student from each grade was awarded with a certificate and Main Street Coffee Shop gift card for “Caught Being Kind”. Ms Bounds and her staff will return to MSP monthly to highlight positive student interactions and continue presenting the “Caught Being Kind” awards. MSP appreciates Jansen Owen, Ms Bounds and her staff for taking time out of their busy schedules to promote positive student behavior.

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