302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

MSP BETA Club Helping Louisiana Flood Victims

MSP BETA Club collected items to benefit the victims of the disastrous flooding in Louisiana. ​"When asked their thoughts about the Louisiana Flood Victim Drive, MSP Beta Club students responded…" 
​As seen in the news, this flood was a really bad thing! Louisiana is in my prayers… all things will work together for good! – Lana B.​

Many of the Louisiana flood victims have lost personal belongings that they may never get back such as pictures and their homes where the​y shared many memories made. Although these items can never be replaced, people are coming together to donate items like clothing, food, cleaning supplies, and even shelter. I’m pleased to say that people in our community including PRCC, MSP, churches and others have helped by donating simple items that can change the lives of others.​ – ​Janna P​.

Even though I was only 2 when ​Hurricane ​Katrina hit, I have heard stories about how our state and surrounding states came together to help one another. I think we should repay the deed and come together to help Louisiana. I am proud to be a member of the MSP BETA Club​, and I am happy to see my classmates contributing to this cause. Remember – If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. – K. Adcox




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