302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

Girls’ Track Team Headed to State

The PHS Girls’ Track team has outshined their opponent the entire 2016 season.  The girls came in 2nd place out of twelve teams in the 7-4A District meet at McComb High School in Early April.

Regionals, which took place April 23rd at Pass Christian High School, brought the girls a 3rd place spot out of 24 teams.  

Saturday, April 30th, the girls traveled back to Pass Christian to compete in the South State Meet.  Out of the 21 teams competing, PHS finished 4th.

The team won a slew of impressive titles at competitions during the month of April:

  • Janelle Johnson- 3200M- 1st in District; 2nd in Regionals and South State

  • Janelle Johnson- 1600M-  2nd in Regionals and South State

  • Tique Henry- Triple Jump- 4th in District, Regionals and South State

  • Kenya Tillman, Jasmine Sharpe, Elizabeth Hughes and Angela Angulo- 4X800- 3rd in District; 4th in Regionals; 4th in South State

  • Zanaisha Turner- Long Jump- 2nd in District and Regionals; 1st in South State

  • Zanaisha Turner, the 7-4A 2015 State Champion in the triple jump, has remained undefeated in this category all season.  She is currently the triple jump champion in District, Regionals, and the South State Championship.  We are looking for Zanaisha to be our back to back State Champion after the state competition this weekend..  

Janelle, Zanaisha, Tique, Elizabeth, Kenya, Jasmine, and Angela will travel to Pearl High School this Friday, May 6th to compete in the Mississippi Track State Championship.  Events begin at 11:30!  Good Luck Hornets!


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