302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

HOSA Donates to St. Jude

PHS HOSA has been collecting dental hygiene items with the end goal of donating all collected items to St. Jude Children’s Hospital.  After collecting 2,655 items a group of 7 students representing HOSA packed the items and headed to Memphis, Tennessee to hand deliver these donations.  While the majority of PSD students were planning on catching some beads at Mardi Gras, these students had plans to visit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Beale Street, the Peabody Hotel, the pyramid Bass Pro Shop, and the Memphis Zoo.  The students learned a lot about the history of the hospital and the diseases that St. Jude treats and they were also able to experience some of the Memphis culture while on this trip. The tour of St. Jude was very humbling and made the students realize just how lucky and blessed they were. The students enjoyed lots of laughs while singing karaoke and riding in a carriage pulled by a horse through Memphis.  The students made memories that will last a lifetime while on the trip.  

Kolby Havard PHS HOSA Reporter







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