302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

Mardi Gras Comes to MSP through The Hunger Games

While reading The Hunger Games in Mrs. Aube’s and Ms. Murray’s seventh grade language arts classes, students practice for upcoming MCT3 testing by discussing allusions to Greek mythology as well as character motivation and name symbolism in the novel by Suzanne Collins.  To expand the discussion, students create Mardi Gras masks to “allude” to a character from The Hunger Games or any novel previously read in class.

In order to receive a perfect score, students not only createthe mask; they also write an argumentative piece including a claim statement and text-based evidence cited with MLA citations to justify their allusions.  Currently, samples of the students’ work are on display in the seventh grade hallway, and Ms. Murray and Mrs. Aube are proud of the students’ final products!







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