302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

Clark Wins Art Award

Katrina Clark was awarded the On Call Medical Clinic Award for Excellence in Oil Award in the Ocean Springs Art Association Fall Show on Friday, October 24th, 2014 at the Ocean Springs Community Center. This award was one of the awards given out to the winners of the Ocean Springs Art Association 43rd Annual Fall Exhibit and Sale.
Katrina Clark commented about her inspiration, “Creating art has always been a joy and passion of mine. I feel I grow more artistically when I’m around and exhibiting my work with other artists. I recently moved from Jackson, MS in July 2014 where I was a member of the Mississippi Artist Guild, Mississippi Oil Painters Association, and the Plein Air Artists of Mississippi. I exhibited in various galleries with these organizations and was an active member of each organization. I am now trying to find my place on the coast. I recently joined the Ocean Springs Art Association and wanted to take the opportunity to participate in their Fall Show”.
Upon being asked why this piece was created, Clark said, “This piece came about from many of the fishing materials around the house of my husband Lionel Clark. When we got married we did not go on a big honeymoon. Instead we bought each other kayaks as wedding presents so we could go on many adventures together. I named my kayak ‘Honeymoon’ so I can joke and say we are going on a honeymoon trip whenever we go out. Kayak fishing is a hobby we both share and I enjoy painting things that bring about positive memories”.
The awards were given out by a judge chosen by the OSAA. The judge, Christopher Olszewski is from Savannah College of Art and Design, GA. He stated, “The arrangement of materials along with the handling of light, textures and depth makes this painting exceptional”.
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