School Packet Links
Please click the link Hornets at Home to access the packets. (This link will open a new window.)
302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470
Please click the link Hornets at Home to access the packets. (This link will open a new window.)
Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann has created three grade-appropriate activities for your consideration as you send home learning packets and online assignments
This is a stressful time for many, including the adolescents in our lives. Feeling anxiety or depression is a common
Ashley Gray, LCSW Positive Behavior Specialist for Poplarville School District CO-VID 19 has turned everyone’s lives upside down and brought
Parents/Guardians: You answered the call! Our teachers have made over 1,400 phone calls to parents this week. These phone calls
MDE’S LEARNING-AT-HOME RESOURCES The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) has compiled a host of learning-at-home resources for students in pre-K
Earlier today, Governor Tate Reeves mandated that all schools be closed in response to the COVID-19. Poplarville School District is
The following letter will be mailed home with the students’ report cards this week.
The Poplarville School District offers educational/vocational opportunities on a nondiscriminatory basis in compliance with the requirements of the following federal civil rights legislation: Title VI, Title IX, the Vocational Amendments of 1976 and 1979, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act. Further, the Poplarville School District offers equal educational and employment opportunities to all persons without regard to sex, race, religion, color, national origin, age, or disability. The district’s contact coordinator for compliance with these requirements is Stachia Peterson, Title IX Coordinator and 504 Coordinator 302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, Mississippi 39470, Phone (601) 795-6153.
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