The Beta Club of Poplarville High School presented a banner to Mr. Jonathan Will, PHS principal, naming Poplarville High School as a recipient of the National Beta School of Distinction Award for 2014-2015. This award recognizes improvement and growth of the PHS Beta Club as a path to excel in academic performance and character development. The award also recognizes the commitment and dedication of PHS to the academic rigor that is necessary to prepare students for college and career readiness. The PHS Beta Club membership consists of 69 students who excel academically with a GPA of 90 or higher, who possess proven leadership skills, and who are dedicated to service. PHS Beta Club officers for 2014-2015 are Emily Mitchell, President, Drew Smith, Senior Vice-President, Dalton Spiers, Junior Vice-President, Carlie Lambert, Treasurer, Madison Nodurft, Secretary, and Victoria McMurray, Historian. The academic sponsor is Dr. Miguel Ramírez.
The National Beta Club is the largest nonprofit educational youth organization in the United States promoting academic excellence, nurturing character development, and improving leadership skills while providing service to others.