Parents, teachers, and administrators met Tuesday, November 11, 2014, for breakfast at the Parent Center to discuss the 2014-2015 Consolidated Federal Programs Application. The CFPA is a plan that was developed by stakeholders to focus the use of federal funds. The Poplarville School district receives Title I funds that are used to improve student achievement, Title II funds for the development of educator quality, and Title VI funds in which the district employs a social worker. During the meeting, an overview of these programs, new kindergarten and third grade assessments, and school-wide assessment data were presented. A copy of the brochure describing the information presented can be found at http://teachersites. federal.cfm
Several more breakfast meetings will be held second semester to gain input for next year's plan. The topics for February's meeting will be centered on Parental Involvement. If you would like to join this group, we welcome you to attend. You can be added to the meeting mailing list and receive a pre-meeting packet by calling Konya Miller, Federal Programs Director, at 601-795-8477 or by completing the following form http://teachersites. forms.cfm?myForm=19875