PUE's chorus called Dynamics ended the 2013-2014 season with a Spring Concert on April 10th. The concert was a celebration of Jazz! Choristers recalled the history of jazz in the form of narrations in between songs. They also told the story of jazz in songs utilizing several different styles of jazz, including blues, dixieland, cool jazz, swing, jazz-rock – to name a few.
Eight of the Dynamics members were recognized for being 3-year members of the group: Zachary Chauncy, Julianna Ladner, Garrett McCaskell, Gabby Brown, Evelyn Kimball, Audrey Bolin, and Phillip Pullen. Zachary Chauncy was also presented with a Perfect Attendance medal for 3 years of Perfect Attendance in Dynamics. A medal was also presented to Cassidy Cartwright for Dynamics Chorister of the Year.