Mrs. Holly Johnson’s 2nd grade Quest students from PLE would like thank our Mayor, Brad Necaise, and City Council Members, Glenn Bolin, Maggie Smith, and Shirley Wiltshire for coming and being a part of our class presentations. Zooland is a simulation project that the students absolutely loved. This simulation started off with the news of the town’s local zoo being closed down due to the lack of care for the animals and a decline in visits by people. The students found out and wanted to know how they could help save Zooland. Over a course of several weeks, Quest students learned as much as they could about zoo animals and how to care for them. The students chose an animal of interest and began the research process. After the students researched their animal they created a slide show that they presented to the mayor and city council members. After some discussion and questioning of the students it was decided that Zooland would remain in operation with the help of the Quest students. This was a great simulation and wonderful project.