302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

School Board Member Recognition Week

The five individuals who serve on the Poplarville School Board are to be commended for their commitment to this community’s students. They work long hours attending board meetings and school activities, answering community questions, refining their governance skills, and so much more.

School Board Member Recognition Week in Mississippi, February 12-18, is just one of the opportunities we should take to recognize our school board members for the contributions they make to the education of this community’s students.

Local school board member service continues to be a job best done from a heartfelt desire to improve education. Otherwise, the requirements of the job could easily be overwhelming: meetings once or twice a month (and sometimes more); deciding tough, often emotional issues such as school closings, the calendar, dress codes, and attendance boundaries; and regularly receiving calls, texts, and emails about parent and community concerns and complaints. It is easy to see that our board members persist in working on behalf of students, with student achievement as the focus of their decisions.

Board members promote the school district as they regularly interact with the community, taking the initiative to keep citizens aware of successes and challenges, and inviting the community to help schools be their best. For these and many other reasons, the board members of the Poplarville School District deserve our support and applause during School Board Member Recognition Week, February 12-18.

School board members in the Poplarville School District are:

Jill Smith, President

Winston Herndon, Vice President

Shirline Magee, Secretary

Violine Jordan

Heather Holliday

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