302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

Sports Report 11/14-12/2/22

Sports Report

Athletic Update 11/14-12/3/22


On Friday, November 18th, 2022, the football season closed with the Hornets playing their final game against Stone County in the third round of playoffswith the ending score of 28-32. Great season boys!

Boys Soccer: On November 14th, the Hornets defeated Hattiesburg with a final score of 7-0. The game that was held on November 17th, 2022 ended with a final score of 3-1 against the Picayune Maroon Tide. Tuesday, November 29th, we will be playing an away game against Sumrall at 7:30. Friday December 2nd we will travel to Vancleave to have that game held at 5:30. Come support our Hornets!!

Girls Soccer:

On November 14th, the Lady Hornets defeated Hattiesburg ending with a score of 5-0. The November 17th game ended with a final score of 0-1 against Picayune. Tuesday, November 29th, we will be playing Sumrall at Sumrall at 7:30. Friday, December 2nd, we will travel to Vancleave to play them at 5:30. We hope to see you there!

Girls Basketball: 

On November 17th, the Lady Hornets ended a match against Jefferson Davis County with a score of 30-45. The November 18th game against Jefferson Davis County ended the match with a tie. The November 26th tournament against the Stone Tomcats resulted in a victorious score of 35-32. On November 29th, the Lady Hornets will play PRCC at Pearl River Central with the game beginning at 6:00. The December 1st game will be against Picayune at Picayune Memorial High School with the game beginning at 6:00. Keep up the good work, girls!

Boys Basketball: 

On November 17th, the Hornets ended a match against Jefferson Davis County with a score of 21-69. The November 18th game against JEfferson Davis County ended the match with a tie. The November 21st game against Greene County resulted in a score of 13-51. On November 29th, the Hornets will play PRCC at Pearl River Central. The game will start at 7:30. The December 1st game against Picayune will be at 6:00 at Picayune Memorial High School. Come support your Hornets!

Credit: The PHS Yearbook Team


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