302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

PLE School Pictures

Poplarville Lower Elementary has scheduled School Pictures for August 18th and 19th. Please see the schedule below:
    • On the morning of August 18, Pre-K, the Community-based Classroom, All of Kindergarten, and 1st Grade’s Brown, Seal, and Bennett will have their picture taken.

    • On the morning of August 19, 1st Grade’s Kilgore, Lumpkin, and Bagley and All of 2nd Grade will have their picture taken.

    • Virtual Learners may have their picture taken on August 19th from 12:30-2:00. The parent should walk the student to the PLE Office. The student wear his/her mask to and from the auditorium, but will remove it for pictures. The student will meet the waiting parent soon after the picture is taken.

    • PLE School Pictures
      School Pictures at PLE
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