302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470


Week 11 Update

It has been a great week of CELEBRATIONS!  Congratulations to all our students and we thank them for their perseverance this school year.  It is nice to see all that our students have accomplished.   

Last but not least, we would like to recognize our parents.  Thank you for working with us as we conclude the school year.  As parents, you are our most important partner in your child’s education.  You are your child’s first teacher, and we cannot thank you enough for your efforts to support learning at home during the past nine weeks.  We know the student’s time away from the classroom has not been easy for everyone.  You are awesome and we appreciate you!

Each school will be sending home information about our summer learning opportunities with student report cards.  This is a great way to stay ready for August.  If your child can’t do anything else this summer, have them read.  You can read to them, they can read with you, or they can read by themselves.  It is the most important thing that can be done to support learning this summer.   

We know that there will be questions about the upcoming school year.  Please continue to follow our weekly updates as we will share our plan of action as decisions are made.  We have the same concerns that you do for how we will move forward not only in school but as a larger community.  We are working every day to make the best decisions for our students.  For now, our plan is to welcome students on Wednesday, August 5, 2020.

Administrators, teachers, and staff will be busy this summer preparing for the fall.  They will be attending professional development sessions;  reviewing curriculum pacing, and developing lessons to meet the needs of our students.      

Sports and activities hope to resume a sense of normal beginning on June 1st.  Coaches will be contacting students about upcoming events related to each program.   

End of Year Item Pick Up and Drop Off

Don’t forget to come pick up report cards, awards, personal items left in the classroom, and information about registration and summer learning next week. If you have textbooks or library books to return, we would appreciate it if you could return them on these days.   Please see our schedule listed below.  (Schools have more information in their updated information below as well.)  

May 27th – May 29th Online Registration Code/Report Card Pickup

  • Wednesday, May 27th  – 2 pm- 6 pm
  • Thursday, May 28th – 10 am – 3 pm
  • Friday, May 29th – 9 am – 12 pm

Summer Meal Program

Don’t forget that Grab and Go meal distribution concluded today.

No meals will be served the week of May 25th. Our summer meal program will begin on June 1, 2020.

We will begin our Summer Meal Program on June 1, 2020.   This program will run each Monday,  Wednesday, and Friday.  At pick up on Monday and Wednesday, children 18 and under will receive enough food to cover breakfast and lunch for two days. On Friday, they will receive one breakfast and one lunch. Hot meals have been added to the menu.  Meals will be served from 11 am to 1 pm at MSP.  Please plan to join us for our Summer Meal Program

Online Registration- Beginning May 27, 2020

Important Registration Dates
May 27th Online Registration Portal Opens 
May 27th 29th Online Registration Code/Report Card Pickup (See times listed in the first section of this post.)
June 1st -5th Kindergarten Registration – The first step in getting your child registered for kindergarten is to complete this form letting us know your child is eligible for our kindergarten class:  Poplarville Lower Elementary’s Eligible Kindergarteners for the Upcoming 2020-2021 School Year.

Afterward, you will be sent an email confirming and asking you for a little more information before your Active Parent account can be made. Once your Active Parent account is made, you will be provided an individualized code in which to register. 

June 8th Beginning June 8th, parents of returning students that have no internet access or those that need assistance with the online registration process may call the front office of their child’s school to schedule an appointment to complete registration on-site.

Also, Proofs of Residency may be submitted to the schools in person beginning June 8th.

Registration this year will be completed online using our ActiveParent portal and will require the use of a student-specific registration code. If you have not signed up for an ActiveParent Account, please use THIS LINK to sign up for an account. These registration codes will be issued to the guardian when report cards are picked up at the campuses on May 27th-29th. The online registration portal will be opened for parent use on May 27th

Unfortunately, parents that attempted to register their students prior to the official opening of the portal on May 27th will have to re-complete the registration process due to the fact that the student-specific registration code must be used in order to verify guardianship to the ActiveParent account. We apologize for the inconvenience, but student safety is a top priority for our district.

The required registration documents and proofs of residency will be accepted both online during the registration process or in-person after June 8th. 

Required Registration Documents: 

  • Two proofs of residency (New and Returning Students):
    • Filed Homestead Exemption Application form for the student’s primary residence.
    • Mortgage document or property deed for the student’s primary residence (A bill is NOT an acceptable document. An acceptable document will contain the land description of the student’s primary residence).
    • Notarized apartment or home lease where the student resides.
    • Utility bills (Water, Electricity, or Gas – NO PHONE BILLS) (Must have been issued within the last 30 days and No PO boxes)
    • Current valid driver’s license or state-issued ID showing residence property address.
    • Affidavit of residency (Go to the child’s school office to complete)
    • Current valid automobile registration – Name and physical address must be valid – A car title is not a valid proof.
    • Immunization Form 121–“Complete for School” (New Students and 7th Graders) 
    • Birth certificate (New Students)
    • Any possible court records


  • Senior Awards, stoles, medals, and report cards will be available for pickup in the PHS office at the times listed below. (Please see the dates and times listed in the first section of this post.)
  • PHS Graduation dates are June 26 or July 24 at 8 pm – PHS Football Field
  • Additional details regarding graduation will be announced as soon as all the logistics can be worked out.


  • IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR INCOMING 6TH GRADERSIncoming 6th-grade Scheduling Request Form – Please use the following link to complete THIS FORM.
  • Sports physicals for the 20-21 School year – Only students who do not have a physical form on file are required to have one for the 20-21 school year. Poplarville Clinic will be on Campus during Report Card pick up on Wednesday, May 27 to schedule physicals at Poplarville Clinic.
  • MSP will utilize a drive-through format through the front office gates for online registration code/report card pick up. The following will be included with your report card:  awards, online registration code, summer enrichment information, and school supply list. (Please see the first section of this post for dates and times.)
  • MSP Citizenship, Leadership & Star Student Awards “yard signs” and can be picked up during online registration code/report card pickup.  


  • IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR 6TH GRADERS: Incoming 6th-grade Scheduling Request Form – Please use the following link to complete THIS FORM. 
  • Pick up report cards, awards, summer enrichment information, school supply list, and remaining student items.  (Please see the first section of this post for dates and times.)
  • The online registration portal will be opened for parent use on Wednesday, May 27th.  You must have an ActiveParent account to register.
  • Registration codes and information for SY 2020-2021 will be included with report cards.


  • Pick up report cards, awards, summer learning information, and remaining student items. (Please see the first section of this post for dates and times.)
  • Registration information for SY 2020-2021  will be included with report cards. Look for the PINK letter! 
  • On Wednesday, May 27th, when you pick up report cards and classroom awards, PLE will have some extra things going on: 
  •      Kona Ice will be set up in the front parking lot from 2:00 until 6:00. Anyone and everyone may purchase a sno-ball. 
  •      PLE teachers will be saying “HEY” from afar from 2:00 until 5:00
  •      PLE Citizenship & Leadership Awards are awesome “yard signs” and can be picked up on this day from 2:00 until 6:00.
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