302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

Kristen Alter Named PUE’s Teacher of the Year


Congratulations to Kristen Alter for receiving the Teacher of the Year Award for 2019-2020. Kristen has been teaching for 6 years, 2 of which have been at Poplarville Upper Elementary. She currently teaches: Writing, Science, Social Studies, and Health.

Comments from her co-workers:

SUPER Awesome teacher!!

She is always working to help her students get their learning on.

Kristen is so great with her kids. She inspires them to do their best.

It is such a pleasure to watch how she interacts with her students. You can tell she is a very caring teacher and she is dedicated to helping her students.

Kristen always has a smile.

Kristen is a great teacher. She has a true love for her students and does her part to make them successful.

Kristen is an excellent teacher and a positive person to be around.

Kristen has a great relationship with her students. Her love of teaching is evident in everything she does.

Ms. Alter is a great teacher. She goes above and beyond to make sure she is doing everything for her students.

Congratulations Kristen Alter! You deserve it!

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