302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

MSP Cheerleaders Attend UCA Camp

MSP Cheerleaders attended UCA camp this summer at the University of Southern Mississippi.  From learning new cheers and dances, making new friends, and to becoming an awesome squad all together, these girls worked hard to represent their home town of Poplarville.  Three girls were chosen as UCA All-American cheerleaders:  Abigail B., Lendy C., and Addy Grace A.  Also, the overall Jump-Off champion was our own 7th grader:  Addy Grace A. These girls did an outstanding job!  The squad won “Superior” ribbons throughout the week. We placed 3rd place out of six squads on final day competition.  The girls were also chosen by all the squads at camp for the “Leadership Award” for the showing  positive leadership skills.  The UCA staff awarded our team for the “Tradition” award.  This is the team who showed the most hometown spirit!  Let’s go Hornets!

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