302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

MSP Awards Day and Exam Schedule

Middle School of Poplarville Awards Day will be Monday, May 20, 2019, in the MSP Cafeteria.  Times for each grade level are as follows: 6th grade at 8:30 am, 7th grade at 9:45 am, and 8th grade at 11:00 am.  “Funtastic” for Fantastic Behavior will begin at 1:00 pm.

MSP Exam Schedule

Wednesday, May 22nd – 5th period exams; Thursday, May 23rd – 1st and 3rd period exams; Friday, May 24th – 2nd and 4th period exams

Reminder for Parents – May 24th will be a 60% Day and is the Last Day of School for students!

The MSP Staffulty wishes all of our students a Fantastic Summer!

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