302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

Poplarville High School Ranked “A” Once More

Poplarville High School has always been a school of success. It has maintained an A ranking and placed top ten in the state for several years now. Luckily PHS has continued this tradition for the 2018-2019 school year, once again ranking as an A school and top ten in the state of Mississippi. According to the MDE 2018 Mississippi Statewide Accountability Results, PHS stands with a reading proficiency of 59.4%, a mathematics proficiency of 65.4%, and a history proficiency of 60.3%. However, the highest proficiency level is in science with 89.1%. Overall the school has grown in its reading and math proficiency with an 82.9% growth in reading and a 98.2% growth in mathematics. With all of these rankings, perhaps the most astonishing achievement is Poplarville’s participation and graduation rates. The students have accomplished a 100% participation rate and a graduation percentage of 86.7%. The students and faculty are responsible for these scores and have helped set a bright, prosperous future for themselves and the future of PHS and Poplarville as a community.

Written by Ashtyn Terrell

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