302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

PHS ActiveStudent

PHS implemented Active Student accounts this week. Every student was provided a username and password to establish their account. Active Student accounts have been on the must have list of our school counselor, Katie Young, since beginning at Poplarville High School 4 years ago. Mrs. Katie states, “Enabling students to have access to their grades is essential to success. It not only helps students be prepared for class, but it also teaches responsibility. Students who go on to college will have to use online systems to check their grades, deadlines and more. It’s vital for our students to have this skill mastered.”

While parents have been able to create Active Parent accounts for years, not all students have a parent who is concerned with checking their child’s grades. Students often tried to pretend to be a parent in order to gain access to their grades. Mrs. Young and PHS teachers and staff are elated that we have eliminated the barrier to students accessing their grades. Students, if you have not been able to set up your Active Student account, drop by the computer lab on the 100 wing during break or before school for assistance.

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