302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

PUE Mississippi, Believe It!

The fourth grade team at Poplarville Upper Elementary performed the tenth rendition of the Mississippi, Believe It! Program on Thursday, March 8th.  This year’s focus was famous Mississippians. Each student researched a famous Mississippian to write a biography and to create a Google Slide presentation. The Mississippians ranged from astronauts, to Civil Rights leaders, from athletes to writers, and many others.  Students presented the biographies in the classrooms before entering into the gym for a vocal performance led by music teacher, Lacey Odom.

The inspiration for the  original play came from an advertising campaign created  by the Cirlot Agency. The Campaign was geared toward promoting the virtues and culture of Mississippi. It showed relevant content about the people, places and spirit of Mississippi. Additionally, the ads have been developed into lesson plans for 4th grade students, which cover areas of music, economics, geography, government, biology, history, and English.


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