302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

7 PHS Powerlifting Finalists Advance to the South State Championship

The Poplarville High School Powerlifting Team competed in the 2017 Regional Powerlifting Meet on Saturday, February 4th at Moss Point High School.  Poplarville scored 4th place overall.

The following students advanced to the South State Powerlifting Meet which will take place on Saturday, March 4th at South Pike High School:

1st Place: Turan Smith-132

2nd Place: Roosevelt Raine-220; Zac Rice-148; Nathan Galaske-114

3rd Place:  Jamerrick Waller- 275; Seth Johnson- 181; Cory Knight- 165

The PHS Powerlifting Team is led by Coach Jacob Owen.


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