302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

Help your child get this new school year off to a great start

It’s the beginning of the school year—the perfect time to set the stage for learning success. Help your child get off to a great start with these simple strategies:
  • Get a head start. Many families find that organizing at night prevents morning “rush hour.” You can review school papers, pack and refrigerate lunches, set backpacks by the door and agree on outfits.
  • Establish sleep routines. Choose reasonable bedtimes so everyone is rested when it’s time to wake up. Make sure everyone sticks to their bedtimes.
  • Develop morning habits. If your child does the same things (in the same order) each morning, it’s less likely that she will forget a step. For example: make bed, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush teeth and put on shoes.
  • Choose a homework time. With your child, pick a time when she will have the most energy and motivation to do assignments. Create a quiet study spot (complete with necessary supplies) where she can work at the same time each day.
  • Use tools for organization. Teach your child how to use calendars, to-do lists and a filing system for schoolwork and important papers.
  • Set priorities. Schedule things like schoolwork, family meals and even free time on a calendar. Treat them like appointments. If there are open blocks of time, your child can add activities.
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