302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

PUE Red Ribbon Week

Poplarville Upper Elementary is gearing up for RED RIBBON WEEK! We will celebrate Red Ribbon Week during the week of October 26-30, 2015 with THEME DAYS! Please encourage your child to support the fight against drugs by participating in our theme days this year!
The theme days are as follows:
MONDAY: Wear RED for Red Ribbon Week. (Wear red shirt w/ uniform pants.)
TUESDAY: I “Mustache” You to Sock It To Drugs (Wear mustaches & silly socks.)
WEDNESDAY: Put a Cap on Drugs (Wear a hat/cap.)
THURSDAY: HAIRS To Being Drug Free (Crazy Hair)
FRIDAY: Team Up Against Drugs (Wear Favorite Team Shirt w/ uniform pants.)


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