302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

Got Talent Show Announced

Got Talent?  If you think you've got talent then we want to see it at the 2nd annual Poplarville's Got Talent Show to be held on Saturday, February 28th at the PHS cafeteria at 6:30 p.m.. The talent show is for anyone in the Poplarville School district grades K-12. Registration forms need to be returned along with the $10 entry fee by Thursday, February 26th.  There is an entry fee of $10 per entry and cash prizes will be awarded for the winners in each age category. Age categories are as follows: K-2, 3-5th, 6-8th and 9-12. If a group entering the talent show has students from one or more age group the group will be judged in the age category of the oldest member.

Any talent is welcome and we look forward to seeing you at the Poplarville's Got Talent Show.
The talent show sponsor is Andrea Will PHS Choral Director and any proceeds go to benefit the newly re-establised MSP Choir.

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