302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

Hornet PRIDE

Hornet PRIDE Motto – Do you have it?  Do you want it?  Do you show it?  Ask about it!
Dropout prevention is a major concern for Poplarville School District, the State of Mississippi, and the Nation.  In response to this concern, the Poplarville School District implemented its Dropout Prevention Plan called Hornet PRIDE.  Hornet PRIDE is the district plan developed in SY 2008 and revised in 2011.  The latest published results for the current plan as implemented cite a graduation rate for Poplarville School District in SY 2013 of 84.6% and a dropout rate of 7.5%.
Below are the highlighted PRIDE initiatives in existence. 
PRIDE = Personal Responsibility In Daily Efforts
PRIDE in Attendance – Encourages attendance in school as a critical dropout prevention strategy;
PRIDE in Safe and Healthy Schools – A safe and healthy school climate provides a supportive atmosphere that encourages students to stay in school;
Professional PRIDE – Ensuring a highly qualified staff that understands and addresses the diverse needs of our students;
Parent and Community PRIDE – Motivating parents, community, and schools to support the efforts of our students;
Project PRIDE – Promotes academic success of all students.
Students, parents, staff and community are invited to actively participate in our Hornet PRIDE initiative as we strive to decrease the number of students who dropout and increase the number of students who graduate.

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