302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

The Hunger for Knowledge Games Come to MSP

On Thursday, November 21, 2013, forty-nine of MSP’s bravest students gathered together to compete in the third annual Hunger for Knowledge Games.  To recreate the settings of both “The Hunger Games” and “Catching Fire”novels, the Middle School gym was transformed into an arena featuring a golden Cornucopia, tarps to simulate water, and dodge balls to echo the weapons of the novel.  After two rounds of dodge ball played Hunger Games-style, two tributes were left standing:  Janelle Johnson, the seventh grade victor, and Peytan Graham, the eighth grade victor. Ben Neff was awarded an honorary place as victor as well because of his excellent sportsmanship.  As victor, Janelle Johnson received a prize pack filled to the brim with Hunger Games memorabilia.  Ben Neff attended the “Catching Fire” field trip with the seventh grade on Friday, November 22.  As always, a great time was had by all, and Effie Trinket made a special appearance! 
Special thanks must be given to Ms. Lisa Morgan and Mrs. Tonya Mixon for constructing the Cornucopia.  Also, thanks goes to Ms. Liska Lodrigues for loaning many supplies to make the arena possible. 

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