302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, MS 39470

PUE Gets Visit From MDWFP

Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks visited Mrs. Farmer's 3rd grade classroom Friday, Sept. 26th.  The students got a chance to be up close and personal with an alligator as well as learn to identify native wildlife by the tracks they leave behind.  It was an awesome time.  Students were given "goodie" bags that included book bags, pencils, bracelets, and guest passes to The Mississippi Museum of Natural Science located in Jackson, MS.  A great big Thank You to Officer Kelly Farmer and Officer Steve Tatum for taking such time and care with our kids.  Thanks MDWFP for taking such an interest in our young people.​
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The Poplarville School District offers educational/vocational opportunities on a nondiscriminatory basis in compliance with the requirements of the following federal civil rights legislation: Title VI, Title IX, the Vocational Amendments of 1976 and 1979, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act. Further, the Poplarville School District offers equal educational and employment opportunities to all persons without regard to sex, race, religion, color, national origin, age, or disability. The district’s contact coordinator for compliance with these requirements is Stachia Peterson, Title IX Coordinator and 504 Coordinator 302 South Julia Street, Poplarville, Mississippi 39470, Phone (601) 795-6153.

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